Friday, January 22, 2010

culinary terms

Abats - Meat items like offal, head, liver, heart, kidneys etc.Abatisde volaillePoultry offal –giblets, etc
.Agar -agar - A gelatinesubstitute obtained from seaweed.
Aigulettes - Thin strips of the fish, breast of poultry, cut lengthwise.
àla - According to the style of a standard in vogue, such as àla Françaiseor according to the French way.
àla Bourgeois - Family style –plain
àla Broche- Cooked and roasted on a skewer. Meat or seafood served on a skewer.
Aloyau de boeuf - Sirloin of beef.
Al dente - An Italian term used to describe food, usually pasta but also vegetables, cooked so they are still firm to the bite.

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